
“We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy” is said by Albus Dumbledore. The way I interpret this quote is that a lot of people will choose the easy way out of things or the easy way through life when presented with options. While a small sum of people would choose what was right and would probably not only benefit them would also help the people around them. So I believe this quote is showing how when people are presented with choosing either what is easy or what is right, most would choose easy. This relates to me because like most people I get uncomfortable when I’m pushed out of my comfort zone. So when I’m presented with the choice to either leave that comfort zone or stay in, I would probably choose the easy way by staying in my comfort zone instead of doing what’s right and leaving it so I can learn and grow. That is how I personally relate to this quote, maybe you should try to see how you relate to this quote.

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